• Ngiri Private Game Reserve, Alicedale
  • +27 82 947 0410
  • Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm - Please see our price lists for more hunting details

Cape Buffalo hunt in the Kalahari

14. February 2023

Travel Report by Gertrud & Wilhelm Bauer, Germany, February 2023

We met Anja Müller at the trade fair in Dortmund. Willi wanted to fulfill his lifelong dream of hunting a large Cape buffalo and I wanted to experience this with him. It was important to us that the hunt would be conducted in German and that we could look forward to a comfortable standard of accommodation. Anja told us about her concession in one of the most extensive hunting areas in South Africa – 90,000 hectares of land with a lush population of antelope, rhinos and buffalo.

We flew to Johannesburg in February 2023, where we met Anja. She helped us import Willi’s weapons and we got in the mood for our safari over dinner together. The next morning we flew on together to Houtspruit, where Philip (Anja’s partner & Head PH) was already waiting for us with the off-road vehicle. It was about 90 minutes from there to our luxurious accommodation – which left nothing to be desired.

After practice shooting the next morning, we set off on our first safari – it was almost a little unreal to see white rhinos, black rhinos, waterbucks or lechwe up close. Big kudus and also oryx, herds of impalas, sable antelopes and roan antelopes were also part of the picture. It didn’t take long before we came across the first fresh buffalo tracks. A herd of around 20 animals came into view, mostly cows with calves but also young bulls. At least here there was no mature bull and so we moved on.

The next day, in the late afternoon, we passed a watering hole where four bulls were wallowing. We parked our jeep a good distance away and stalked the group, which had now moved a little further – along a dry riverbed. The tracks were clearly visible, but we couldn’t get within shooting range because the wind was changing. We waited a little way off at a reasonable distance to see which direction the group would move in. As darkness was already falling, we had to stop the stalking. The following morning we returned early and started the chase. The group had moved on into a bush field that was difficult to see. We stalked up and suddenly noticed two strong bulls slowly grazing from bush to bush. Now it was time to get closer, to get within shooting distance. Very quietly and carefully we moved forward under the cover of the bushes. The stronger of the two bulls offered us the broadside – a look through the range finder showed 170 m. Should we dare? Willi had felt good with his own weapon. We decided to go for it. Philip put Willi’s weapon on the four-legged shooting sticks – a moment of concentration and the bullet flew. An excellent shot behind the shoulder that caused the black giant to stumble. He paused, then moved about 10 m further behind a bush. Willi repeated the shot and we all pursued the buffalo, all side by side, with our weapons loaded. As he was hidden by the bush, we didn’t know whether he had fallen or was waiting for us. We made a circle around the embankment and approached from the side – the buffalo had left the bush and we had no view of him. We found blood on the ground where he had been shot and followed the strong blood trail. We worked our way from bush to bush, standing next to each other and concentrating on avoiding making a noise. All of a sudden he came up from behind a bush and moved quickly in our direction – about 50 m in front of us. Willi shot again, Philip shot again and the buffalo sank to the ground. A final deep snort could be heard – before the buffalo collapsed lifeless. We approached slowly, giving him time. Anja touched his eye with the barrel of her rifle, but there was no reaction! What an experience! A strong 44-incher lay before us in all its glory. We will never forget that.

Two days later we also shot a strong eland bull in an adventurous chase, so both of my animals on the bucket list came true.

Thanks to Anja and Philip for the wonderful organization, the competent hunting guidance and the uncomplicated and friendly execution of our safari – we will recommend you to others!

Gertrud & Wilhelm Bauer, Germany, February 2023

Cape Eland