• Ngiri Private Game Reserve, Alicedale
  • +27 82 947 0410
  • Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm - Please see our price lists for more hunting details

My once in a lifetime Buffalo

20. March 2023

Travel report by Josephine & Stefan Göschl, Vienna, Austria, March 2023

We had actually been to the Jagd & Hund trade fair in Dortmund to compare offers for hunting moose in Canada/Alaska and passed by the Muller Hunting booth. The conversation with Anja Müller inspired us so much that we decided to book a Cape buffalo hunt with the Mullers in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. In March 2023 the time had come – we flew via Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth, where Mrs. Müller picked us up from the airport. After an entertaining drive we arrived at the 5-star NGIRI lodge, where we were greeted with a welcome drink by the entire staff.

The next morning we first went to the shooting range to zero in with the rental weapon (a .375 H & H Magnum), where we were able to familiarize ourselves with the weapon handling and the selection of shooting sticks. Then it was time for the first drive through the area. We started looking for tracks and came across fresh buffalo tracks and droppings that same afternoon.

The following morning we set off again and followed the tracks of the buffalo herd up to a high plateau, where in the afternoon we had a herd of around 40 buffalo in front of us. Unfortunately the wind changed direction, the herd retreated and we had to abandon our stalk. On the following two days we managed to get close to the herd several times to find out whether there was a strong Dagga Boy with hard bosses among them. We were able to spot 3 bulls of a suitable age, but we never managed to get within shooting distance.

Finally on the 5th day the wind was favorable and we found the herd after sunrise on a hill with good bush growth. With this cover we managed to stalk the herd to within 120 m. Stefan waited until one of the 3 strong bulls was standing broad side and let the bullet fly. The Cape buffalo left a clear mark, but ran away very quickly. The other animals in the herd scattered and ran away. We paused for a moment and then started to pursue them with our repeating rifles. My PH Philip to my right, Anja Müller also with a loaded weapon (she is also a PH), to my left – we moved at the same height in the direction of the fleeing bull. After about 150 m we saw movement, the bull stood swaying in front of us, half hidden by a bush! Philip put my weapon back on the shooting stick, I aimed at the shoulder and pulled the trigger. The buffalo sank down and we heard its last deep snort. After a short moment of waiting, we carefully approached the black giant – Philip touched his eyes with a stick, no more reaction! What a splendid fellow – I had my once in a lifetime buffalo in front of me in the flesh! I will never forget this day!

A big thank you to Anja Müller and her PH Philip, who made this experience possible for me. The springbok that I was able to kill the day after next was the beautiful conclusion to an extraordinarily impressive safari that I will remember for a long time!

Stefan Göschl, Vienna, Austria, March 2023
